Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Hemp Clothes


Given that we want our project to promote being environmentally friendly,
I researched hemp clothing.
Hemp is a variety of the cannabis sativa plant.
  Hemp is a weed and grows very quickly and in very diverse soil conditions.
  Cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes has been undertaken for over 12,000 years. 
Industrial hemp was the primary fibre used to manufacture rope, canvas, paper, and clothing until alternative textiles for these purposes were discovered.
Hemp can displace cotton which is usually grown with massive amounts of chemicals
 harmful to people and the environment. 50% of all the world's pesticides are sprayed on cotton.
Hemp can also yield 3-8 dry tons of fibre per acre. 
This is four times what an average forest can yield.
One of the most useful parts of the hemp plant are its fibres. Which are commonly known as bast. 
Bast are the fibres that grow on the outside of the woody interior of the plant's stalk, and under the outer most part , the bark.
Hemp clothing is extremely durable over time, Hemp clothes can be passed on from generation. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50% hemp. Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Not only do hemp clothes last for years, but they protect your skin as well.
Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun's UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.

Jeans, Jumpers, hats, bag, scarves and more can be made with hemp materials.

I think that using hemp clothes for our pop up shop will not only promote 
being organic, but could help promote the store in general.
Selling T-shirts with the Regeneration logo could potentially draw more people into the 
idea of being more aware of the earth we live in.


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