Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Promotional Ideas

Chinese Sky Lanterns 

I was thinking instead of the balloon releasing idea we should go with a more eco-friendly approach which will go well with the general feel of "ReGeneration" as balloons aren't biodegradable etc. For this I thought more along the lines of Sky lanterns / Chinese Lanterns which can be made from paper (recyclable- bonus) or material, with the same concept of having the promotional information attached to each lantern to advertise ReGeneration to whoever may stumble across it, and then repeat it via word of mouth and therefore create a snowball effect of spreading the information around friends/family/the community.

Chloé Grayling x


  1. Oh yes that is a brilliant idea, and alot more efficient and they are degradable too so wont harm the enviroment like you have said.
    Gemma :-)

  2. Great idea there Chloe. I agree with them being better than balloons. Not only that but they look so pretty at night too :)

